Sunday, May 10, 2015

Tenglong Cave

Tenglong Cave, literally means "soaring dragon cave", is a cave located 6.8 km (4.2 mi) from Lichuan City, Hubei, China. It is believed to be the longest monomer karst cave system in the world. The Dry Cave and Water Cave are its main scenes. The Dry Cave is about 52 kilometers’ long, and its mouth is 74 meters in height and 64 meters in width, entitled as the largest dry cave in Asia. As to the water cave, it sucks in the water from Qingjiang River, which forms a waterfall like a crouching dragon swallowing all the water and makes the river become a 16.8 km-long underground stream. What is really amazing is that there is only a wall between the two caves.
After field investigations and demonstrations, now the Tenglong Cave is confirmed by domestic and foreign experts as the biggest water-eroded cave in China and one of the special-class caves in the world. The cave is 52.8 kilometers in length with 16.8 kilometers in the Water Cave.
The scenic spots are distributed on an area of 2,000,000 sq.m., mainly including the White Jade Stone Forest, Thousand Buddha Palace, Dragon Palace, Pearl Blanket, Flower Spring Water and the “Crouching Dragon Swallowing the River ”Waterfall in the Falling Water Cave which is 75 meters away from the Tenglong cave. At the waterfall, the river becomes an underground stream on which visitors can view the sights on boat. As the whole cave system is very complex, the total volume is the first in the world, is China’s best tourism caves, in October 2005 awarded by the China national geographic magazine as “the most beautiful place in China”.
Tenglong Cave park has a total area of 69 square kilometers, the southwest derives from the entrance Tenglong cave, connected with Mingyan gorge canyon scenic spot; Northwest to the black hole, connect with Xuezhao river canyon scenic spot, on the whole it distribute from southwest to northeast, is an extension along Qingjiang river valley of long and narrow area. Areas are in the 1000 meters above sea level. The developed main scenic spots are two: one is Tenglong dry cave scenic area; another is water cave scenic spot. The cavern group of Tenglong Cave has a total of five layers from top to bottom, the number of cave is more than 300. There are five peaks in the cave, 10 halls, more than 10 underground waterfalls, no poison air, no snakes and scorpions, no pollution, with a constant temperature 14 to 18 .
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