Thursday, April 30, 2015

Three Gorges Dam -----the Largest Dam

Brief Introduction
The Three Gorges Dam is a hydroelectric dam that spans the Yangtze River by the town of Sandouping, located in Yiling District, Yichang, Hubei province, China. The Three Gorges Dam is the world's largest power station in terms of installed capacity (22,500 MW). Being the world's largest hydropower project, this dam has created many "Firsts" such as the most efficient dam in flood control, the most difficult construction work and the largest migration project in the world.
Achievements and Controversies
Except for a ship lift, the dam project was completed and fully functional as of July 4, 2012, when the last of the main water turbines in the underground plant began production. As well as producing electricity, the dam is intended to increase the Yangtze River's shipping capacity and reduce the potential for floods downstream by providing flood storage space. The Chinese government regards the project as a historic engineering, social and economic success, with the design of state-of-the-art large turbines, and a move toward limiting greenhouse gas emissions. However, the dam flooded archaeological and cultural sites and displaced some 1.3 million people, and is causing significant ecological changes, including an increased risk of landslides. The dam has been a controversial topic both domestically and abroad.
Three Gorges Dam Travel
The Three Gorges Tourist Area was officially opened to the public in 1997, covering an area of 15.28 square meters. It contains five parks. They are Three Gorges Exhibition Hall, Tanziling Park, 185 Park, Jinba Park and Interception Memorial Park. Based on the world’s largest hydro junction project, the tourist area reveals the culture of the project and water conservancy in an all-round way. It provides a combination of multi-functional service of sight-seeing, science and education, entertainment, refreshment, perfectly combining modern project with natural scenery and human landscape. Therefore, it is a traveling paradise that tourists from home and abroad long to go.
Standing at the top of the Dam which is 185 meters above sea level, you can marvel at the flood discharge downwards in a close distance. Feeling the tremendous force growling under the feet is more direct and magnificent. In the meantime, contrasted with the near overwhelming backwash, the river surface far away is quiet and peaceful. All of a sudden, the tourists may feel the gorgeous blend of vitality and serenity.
If it is good weather, a colorful rainbow will appear in the water fog above the flood. Gentle wind present by the river soothes the soul and the lullaby murmured by the backwash calm the heart. All the feelings, exited or surprised, proud or exhilarated are all mingle with the span of water. Maybe only after you roaming in the hug of the Dam can one genuinely feel the line "Should the goddess be not ill today, she will marvel at the world’s new array".
For more information, please visit

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